Nishna Reddy Aleti



Hey there! I'm Nishna and I'm born and brought up in India. I'm currently a Master's student in Computer Science at Portland State University. I pursued my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Mahindra Ecole Centrale, India. I work as a Graduate Administrative Assistant for the Office of Information Technology at PSU.


MIT Battlecode


Battlecode is a real-time strategy game. This involves coming up with a strategy using various concepts like pathfinding algorithms, network communications in Java to play against an AI player.

Github Repo

Stock Prediction

stock Prediction

Predict the next 30 days stock market value of Google using Multi-layer Perceptron classifier based on historical data in Python.

Github Repo

GIF Face Recognition

GIF Face Recognition app

Developed an application using Python Flask framework to get a GIF based on a keyword and detect the sentiment of the face in the GIF using Google cloud vision API and Giphy API.

BitBucket Repo

Database Management

photo of NYC

Populated New York City Airbnb’s raw data into PostgreSQL to easily find an Airbnb in NYC. Designed SQL queries to analyze all needed information to find out more about hosts, geographical availability necessary metrics to make predictions and draw conclusions.

Health Application


Developed a full stack web Application called Live+ which is a one stop destination for health where it provides features like - symptom checker, meal planner, finding nearby hospitals, parks and trails.

Github Repo

String Matching Algorithms

string matching

String Matching algorithms try to find a place where one or several strings are found within a larger string or text. In this paper, theoretical and experimental comparative study is done between Naïve string-matching, Rabin-Karp and Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithms.

Github Repo

Internet Relay Chat

Internet relay chat

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is an application layer protocol that provides a way of communicating with people from all over the world in the real time. The setup involves a single server forming a central point for clients and perform the required message delivery and other functions.

Github Repo
